Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mrs. Doubtfire

When I think of the word 'funny' the first name that pops into my head is Robin Williams.  I can make a list of all the films featuring Robin Williams that have not reached the standards of a comedic film.  However, nothing would be more erroneous than to claim him a bad actor.  He is one of the most gifted actors and some of his films are easily the greatest I have ever seen.  Right now I will only have the time to focus on one.  The film I am here to talk about is Mrs. Doubtfire.  Not only is this one of my favorite comedy films, but it is also what I consider to be one of the best films I have ever experienced.  I use that word fittingly because the film is truly an experience every time I watch it.

So where to begin with this film.  Would you believe me if I said that everyone should see this?  I hope so.  I hope that just the title of this post can just make jump out of your chair and pick up this movie.  It will always bring a smile to your face.  I will start off by saying that the story of this film is unforgettable, but at the same time not completely unbelievable.  Sure if you take a closer look at the film it may seem a little bit more perverse than Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie, but take an even closer look.  It shows the great lengths a man will go to just to be with his children.  While I may not show it to everyone, I always get a little teary eyed when watching this film.  That is what is so great about Mrs. Doubtfire though; it makes you laugh and cry.

One of my favorite animated films as a child was Aladdin.  The spontaneity of the genie always made me chuckle.  It was only years later that I realized who was behind the character.  I knew then that Robin Williams was making me laugh from before I even knew what laughter meant.  Ironically, he still does make me laugh.  While watching Mrs. Doubtfire (which as I write this post, the film is in the final few minutes on AMC) I still laugh about the same things but I always find something new to laugh about each time I see the movie.  The film was made so creatively that children could get a kick out of it, adolescents could see the meaning of the film, and adults could laugh at how one man deals with some of the troubles that life can toss at us.  There is a lot of childhood humor as well as adult humor that you can only understand with age.

Since there are just too many scenes that make me fall over laughing I will only bring two of scenes to your attention.  The first is mid way through the film when Mrs. Sellner, the court liaison, arrives at Daniel's apartment.  As she comes to inspect his apartment Robin Williams gets caught in a particular predicament. While he has to switch between playing his two characters to keep his story straight the scene becomes nothing short of hilarious.   The 'nightly marang mask' that he creates to hid his face and all the other little phrases he lets out during the scene show his true talent as an actor.  While not as funny, but certainly just as important to grasping Robin Williams' sense of humor, there is a scene in which Mrs. Doubtfire speaks about her deceased husband.  It is simply so funny that he keeps the whole sham going so far as to even create fake family members.  Even when he is unprovoked, he still manages to bring up "Winston" and come up with a believable back story as well.  I must say that I know that with every film, there is a script.  While I have never been on the set of one of his films, I have heard that Robin Williams improvises most of the time with his lines.  I almost feel like I can tell which lines he has created.  His humor is so distinct, and after seeing so many of his interviews as well as his stand-up acts, to me it is simply unmistakable.

Do I want to keep writing about this film?  Is that even a real question?  Well considering the movie has ended and I'm about to go plug in the DVD so I can watch it with the slight vulgarity while removing the commercials, I think it is safe to say that I will have to end this posting.  Don't think that I forgot about Pierce Brosnan or Sally Field's performance in the film.  There just simply isn't enough time to comment on all the supporting actors in this film.  I do my best, but right now all I can say is that they complement Robin Williams in every way possible.  Don't forget to check out the soundtrack to the film as well.  The instrumental parts are amazing...I must look into this more and find out what genius composer was behind them.

Well...for the next film I chose to write about, I am at just as much of a disadvantage as anyone else.  I have no idea what or when it will be, but I hope it will be soon and I know it will be interesting.

Check out the Trailer!