Friday, October 8, 2010

Get Him to the Greek

A lot of people may be reading this (alright that's a lie, but keep reading the sentence) and wondering why I am making this as the second movie I have ever "reviewed".  I have one thing to say to that, and here it is.  Get Him to the Greek is one of the best and worst films I have ever seen.  I feel that my opinion on this film must be heard, and sooner than later would be best in my opinion.

First let's start with the concept of this film.  The main idea behind this film is that it is a pseudo sequel to the 2008 romantic comedy Forgetting Sarah Marshall, a movie about a man trying to get over his ex but the world seemingly won't let him.  A terrific story, and the fact that we have all been in that situation made us love the film even more.  Get Him to the Greek brings back one of the funniest characters from the original film, Aldous Snow played by Russel Brand.  Before I go any further off track, let me move into the story.

The story follows a man who has fallen off the straight and narrow path and seemingly lost everything.  His music career, his girlfriend, and his sobriety have all gone by the way side.  However, it is only when we are at our lowest that we begin to start rising again.  So his record company sends an employee/fan (Jonah Hill) to bring him to his revival concert after ten years in "retirement".  This is probably one of the best parts of the film.  Who isn't excited when a blast from the past artist tries to come back and perform to show the world they still got it. (Spears...Jackson...etc)

So we've got a great concept, a great story...well where can this film go wrong.  And here is where I tell you why this was one of the worst films I have ever seen...P. Diddy and Jonah Hill.  Let's start with Jonah Hill, who in my opinion is probably one of the worst actors I have ever seen.  It is very unfortunate that he has been in so many films but the reasons why are so blatantly obvious.  He rides the coattails of everyone he co-stars with (Russell Brand, Jason Segel, Michael Cera, etc).  Look at him alone, look at his performance, he is simply pathetic.  He yells at the top of his voice and has mini freak outs where he makes comparisons that are supposed to be funny but are so pathetically obvious in their delivery that you can't help but wonder "Why is he one of the main stars in this film?"
Did I mention that he is playing a character other than his original character in the original film...if that makes any sense whatsoever.
So now onto Diddy...well how best to explain why his casting, acting, and the writing of his character are completely pathetic and plagiarizing of another film.  Tropic Thunder...Diddy basically plays Tom Cruise's character Les Grossman.  However, there is one slight, tiny, minuscule difference...TOM CRUISE CAN ACTUALLY ACT!  Show me a film that Tom Cruise does not act well in, I dare you.  I'm not saying he hasn't had his share of B films...because that my friends is debatable.  People...please trust me when I say this...he is one of the greatest actors of our time.  Just because he jumps on a couch, or believes in a religion you don't believe in, that does not change his performance in film...I'm sorry.

Well did I touch upon everything?  Almost...but not quite.  There is something you may not have heard of before this film.  It is a little band called "Infant Sorrow".  Although it does not stand alone outside the two films it is still one of the greatest bands I have ever heard.  I still can't believe when people tell me that it is actually Russell Brand singing, because he is actually damn good.  A lot of the songs on the soundtrack are a mockery of the trials and tribulations of relationships as well as fame but the songs are actually very good.  I even bought the soundtrack to the film and ironically it was the first soundtrack to a film I have ever purchased.  The songs make me laugh, and I can rock out to them as's so perfect.

Well, so this was my second review...and I'm not even so sure how well I'm doing.  I really don't care...this is mostly just me saying how I feel.  If you don't like don't have to read it...but trust me when I say this...I am a good judge of film, at an amateur level at the very least.  Until next time...

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