Monday, January 31, 2011

Favorite Original Film Soundtrack

I simply waited far too long to write on my blog.  One thing I have recently acquired a taste for is original musical composition in film.  When watching a film, I used to not even notice anything besides what I could see with my eyes.  However, my sense of hearing has been tingling as of late and it simply must be allowed to speak.  The amount of allusion in that sentence is just too much for its own good but regardless, I must carry on.  Should I be direct with my favorite film?  Should I beat around the bush?  Should I tell you what is my second favorite first (if that makes any sense)?  I am going to go with my second favorite original composition for a film which may be a surprise to some.

When I first saw the film Tron I was very young.  I did not fully appreciate how awesome it was.  Only until recently did I get a chance to view it with a more inept understanding and truly enjoy it.  When I heard that a sequel was getting released and that Jeff Bridges would be staring in the film...well that's exactly it, I literally had no words that could come out of my mouth.  If there was ever a time when a literal ellipsis existed...that was surely it.  The new film was amazing and I only wish I had time to review it.  What I am writing simply does not do the film justice.  From the very beginning of the film, I was completely enthralled by the orchestral background that accompanied this work of art. yourselves a favor and listen to the sound clip on the side.  Oh, and did I mention that the original composer of the soundtrack for the film was Daft Punk.  Need I say more?  I think not... do we top Daft Punk and Tron?  We don't.  You simply can't top either of them.  They are the masters of their realm...but that realm of cinema and music are actually not my favorite, so therefore in my mind they can be topped.  I want to start off by saying that there is one trailer that I watched more times on repeat than any other in the history of my life.  No, it is not The Little Mermaid on my VHS tape of Bambi (although that is a close second).  It is the trailer to Casino of the best films I have ever experienced.  Why this movie is simply amazing is not up for debate in this post.  Another day I will surely write about it, but for now I have to tell you why it is my favorite soundtrack.  Simply put, the entire film is captured with the most appropriate composition.  I have the soundtrack, and often times I play the film while I am on the computer just to hear the music in the background; anyone that dormed with me in college knows this to be true.  However, I never saw the worth of the soundtrack until about 3 quarters into the film.  It comes at a point of the film when quite possibly the biggest twist of events occurs.  I can't say anymore without posting a giant spoiler alert at the beginning of the film but the scene is notable for being the only one of its kind in the bond films.  It is also such a compelling one that it warranted a true sequel (technically the only one of it's kind in bond films as well, and please don't argue with me on that).  Please listen to clip.  It displays one of the many parts to the scene which I am describing.  

David did it.  Thank you so much for such an amazing score. 

Notable Mention - Batman Begins/Dark Knight

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