Let me start out by saying that I do not actually like seeing Heigl or Duhamel in any films. Most people don't know their history but both of them were actually mainly television stars who only in recent years began to garner not so much success...but more attention. In my opinion both of them should have stayed in their domain. I don't say this because of anything that has to do with their acting; in actuality they are terrific in every film they have starred in. I mainly say this statement directed at Heigl because basically she acts in films like she would if each movie was just another episode of a television series. I'm still waiting for her to break out of the typecast of the "nervous yet still overly enthusiastic" woman in her 30's. I suppose I just have to lower my expectations for her and realize she isn't going to have that breakout performance in this lifetime. I just think that she has such potential to be an amazing actress. I hate to say this for many reasons...but look at Heath Ledger. I actually took him seriously after I saw Dark Knight. He changed my perception that I had in every way possible. I know that is an extreme example but seriously...when are we going to see her do something special?
In my opinion it is Duhamel who is the only interesting one in the film. However, its obvious that he isn't the center of attention. There are few moments when we get to see exactly what is going on in his life or in his head. In fact, those few moments are the funniest of the entire film. His attempt at bring the Sophie (the baby) to work is nothing short of hilarity. I have never seen or heard of someone hiring a taxi driver to babysit but it is too funny to even think of how ridiculous it is. I don't like to ruin any scenes in a film but if you haven't seen it by now...well I don't think you will break your neck slipping on the ice to go run out and rent this one.
The key to this film is the supporting characters. The neighbors that come over during the film for certain things just made me crack up. The one husband who has been so abused that he is in "accept mode", the overweight ex-jock, and the gay couple give the film that extra bit of laughter that Heigl's awkwardness fails to erect.
My favorite part is when I write about a film but I tend to wander rather than stay focused on the movie. It is normally a sign of being poorly educated...however in actuality it is just my style and if you don't like it then you really don't have to be here do you?
Lastly I will ask myself a question that you probably are wondering if you are reading this at all. Should I go and see this film? The answer is a resounding "Yes"! It is a great laugh, but it also has some sad scenes. It makes you think and it also makes you just let loose and enjoy the show. Does that describe a certain type of movie to you? Perfect date movie? Exactly. It's too bad that 3 of the 5 times I have watched this film it has been by myself and one of them was with my brother. Not exactly a date even though he did lend me some of his blanket...strictly for survival purposes (If you have ever been in my basement in the winter you know what I am referring to!). In all seriousness, similar to Duhamel's statement in the film - somehow Heigl, Duhamel, the baby, and the guy from Sweet Home Alabama are a film cast that actually works. So go...pick this one up and watch it with the girl, or guy, or whatever torture you are currently subjecting yourself to.
On that note...I will try and reveal my next post sooner. Until next time...
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